Join Us in
Making a Difference

Welcome to a world where small contributions make big impacts! At our Organization, every helping hand is a vital part of creating meaningful change, and we're thrilled to have you join us on this rewarding journey. Every Donation helps save a life.


Our current auctions will help dozens of women, including one brave soul that has allowed us to share a part of her story and why she came to us.

Thank you for your generosity!

What we do…And Why…

Welcome to our non-profit family! Here, your passion meets our dedication in making a significant difference, and together, we create a brighter future for those in need.

Courage For HER was started by founder Jennelle Fraser, after surviving years of mental, emotional and physical abuse. Her body could not endure much more, landing her in a coma, a year long battle in the hospital, and learning to walk again. She found that there are limited resources to help manage and navigate life, after losing everything and having to rebuild not only monetary, but the physical rebuilding after such trauma. Creating COURAGE FOR HER, gives hope to those that feel like they have none.

Jennelle has been able to partner with other foundations and MANY Medical Personnel that are donating their time and talents to help rebuild the body and mind for others that have been beat down and tossed aside.

Many women that have been abused and feel like they have been thrown away and not wanted by society have no where to turn as they try to rebuild their lives. Some have stopped looking in the mirror as all they see the trauma looking back at them and what has happened to get them to this point in life, after losing all hope, they have stopped helping themselves and essentially given up as the resources are not readily available if at all. We are fortunate to help reverse and do what we can to help "erase" the scars both emotionally and physically and fix the broken parts of the broken life so once again, they can thrive.

We also have been fortunate to find dedicated Dentists to rebuild the jaws/teeth that were broken and lost, Wonderful Plastic Surgeons to help smooth over the visible scars and many wonderful Therapists to work day in and day out to repair the PTSD and CPTSD from years of abuse.

Together, we will help one step at a time and in doing so, give back Courage for HER.

We currently have 15 women we are assisting, here is a brief history of one of our survivors….

Em has been brave enough to let us use her story

The abuse she endured covered a hidden illness, her abuser took her to a different ER every time she needed medical attention so, unfortunately, she saw a different doctor each time. This meant it took much longer to diagnose her illness, causing it only to worsen and almost took her life. This led to years-long battles and 18+ surgeries, but she finally got away from her abuser. However, she had nowhere to turn and with separating from him, she had nothing and no one, as the abuser had forced her loved ones away. That’s when Courage for HER found her.

We have been able to find her a wonderful surgeon at UCLA, they will be able to perform this miracle surgery, that will not only save her life but will keep her from more surgeries in the future. Without this life-saving $178,000 surgery, she has months to live. With this surgery, she will get her life back and continue being an amazing mother, sister, and friend. She also needs surgery on her jaw to repair the problems she has faced there, this will give her the beautiful smile back that she once had and the confidence to no longer feel her abuser’s damage.

Please Join us in saving her life by donating today!

Our Partners…

GRAPHICS With Attitude

Graphics With Attitude provides its services at cost to help with Fundraising, donating its proceeds to help those less fortunate, helping both Courage For HER, ONE Life, ONE World as well as many local Schools and Charities. There Motto is giving and helping all for all sizes, for all things at all times

ONE Life, ONE World, assists disaster areas after the larger impact charities have left, they found many still needing assistnce to rebuild. They partner with churches and smaller foundations to bring back communities and Bring back hope by building container homes that are affordable and resistant to many elements, giving back to those that have lost so much.

Coastal Jaw SURGERY has been fortunate to help those in need of Jaw and tooth replacement after some women have been unfortunate to lose their smiles from years of abuse and trauma.

Giving back smiles is their #1  Priority

The Mayo Clinic is world renowned for both physical and Mental Health Services, working together to help rebuild the body, mind and soul

Some Connections with Doctors that have chosen to partner and work Pro Bono with our Humans to give back and make a difference, one Body at a time.